Moramo area is very popular with the public as well as factory activity in the mining of marble rocks, because this area is surrounded by mountains that have a marble deposits are abundant. Behind, the abundance of mineral content and crystal marble there, there is a superior tourist attractions of Southeast Sulawesi province are very exotic, ie Waterfall Bath Moramo. Visitor attractions are located in the forest conservation Wildlife Refuge Cape Peropa Marga. In addition to tour this place is also sometimes used as a place of research.
Some of the waterfalls in other parts of Indonesia has a storied natural contour, so often called multilevel waterfalls, such as Waterfall Beringkat in Riau Province. Practically the same as that storied waterfall, Waterfall Moramo has seven levels. However, this Moramo Waterfall has a uniqueness that is typical limestone area, which is where water flows freely. With the limestone that surrounds the tourists do not be afraid to climb because the walls were not slippery to climb.
In addition to the seven main levels, there are also 60 small stage that also functions as a reservoir (a kind of pool water). Of the many pond, there is one that is often used for swimming. The water was crystal clear, cool and comfortable making the visitor attractions of this visit was not afdol if not go and swim in the pool.

Along the path to the location of the bathhouse, there is a river that sometimes form a mini waterfall and the occasional split road. These locations can be a separate spot for pencita landscape photography. The water was clear and there are no stones in the stream gravels due to sedimentation of the river, because water flows on the solid rock bauxite.
To reach each level, visitors can climb the cliffs of marble (onyx) in green on each side. Marble cliffs are not always exposed to splash despite slippery waterfall, because the water contains sulfur and alkali which causes the moss is difficult to grow.
Many angles can be explored further there, because panoramic waterfalls that presented a very beautiful, dozens of waterfalls levels ranging from small to large to be there, with a natural composition that is very interesting. In addition, the composition of the trees that towered also strengthen these beautiful panoramic image. The use of low-speed highly recommended if you want to get a unique panorama. In addition to landscapes, we also can take photographs of still life activities of the tourists, for example when there are people jumping from the waterfall. In addition to panoramic waterfall, there is also a unique spot that is a view of trees fallen due to water pressure. Besides taking photos do not forget to also share in his fresh waterfall in Moramo by taking the time to swim or just relax on the river flow.
In tourist areas Waterfall Moramo, there are also a variety of flora and fauna such as not behind a wide variety of birds, butterflies are colorful, and various other animals. Generally, the tourists come to this resort feel very satisfied because not only treated to the natural scenery is very beautiful waterfall eye, but also serving exotic trees and jungle animal sounds that seemed to welcome the arrival them. Already natural beauty of the mighty works of the object Waterfall tour Moramo. Panorama of nature, the sound of waterfalls, chirping birds who shouted, combined with the dance of colorful butterflies flying there-here.