The ruins of Chichen Itza Complex remind you return to the era of the Mayan empire. Mayan empire, is the center of all civilization Yucutan, the powers of the political, religious, and military. Navigating the complex of Chichen Itza, makes you feel like investigating the mysteries that lie at each corner. Chichen Itza in the Indian language means "the mouth of the well Itza". Chichen Itza is the most visited by tourists, from two archaeological sites in Mexico. Pyramid of Kukulkan at Chichen Itza, which is known as "El Castillo" (castle), is one of the wonders of the world with a height of 24 meters. In addition to the Pyramid of Kukulkan at Chichen Itza there are many other archaeological sites to visit, which all carry traces of the Maya Culture. Chichen Itza, located in the Peninsula of Yucatan, in the State of Yucatan, Mexico, between Valladolid and Merida and is 120 kilometers from Merida. Chichen Itza, on July 7, 2007, was selected as one of the seven wonders of the world chosen by 100 million people via email and sms (short message service) held by the Swiss Foundation.
Mayan Cultural Center
According to the Mayan culture, from the Chilam Balam, the temple complex was built between the years 502-522 AD. The Mayans only occupied for 200 years, then they move to coastal areas in Campeche. Yet another version says, Chichen Itza was built around 800 years BC. Pyramid of Kukulcan at this historic site complex, believed to be the center of political and economic activities Mayan civilization in Yucatan Peninsula (now the territory of Mexico). Chichen Itza is the central point of a complex of other buildings, such as the Pyramid of Kukulcan, Temple of Chac Mool, and building the Thousand Pillars. In the complex of Chichen Itza, there are two cenotes (natural wells) is used as a place to put sacrifice. That said, the Maya Indians who inhabited the city was offering jade, ceramics, and even humans to be included in the well. The offerings were given when the drought struck. This temple complex is quite wide and each temple separated from each other with each other. In the middle stands the temple of El Castilo (Palace) a complete renovation. The shape of the pyramid, only the roof blunt. El Castilo see the temple, reminding us of the temple Sukuh (controversial temple) in Solo, Indonesia.
Chichen Itza is one part of the new seven wonders of the world. A place that is located in Yucatan, Mexico This is a Mayan archaeological site of the most popular relics visited by foreign tourists. When viewed from the form of architecture, buildings in the area of Chichen Itza is the result acculturation architectural art of the Maya and Toltec cultures. Toltec itself is the designation for the nation that inhabits an area in Tollan, 45 Kilometers north of Mexico City. According to history, the famous Toltec Nation more cruel than the Aztec Nation, The Aztecs had invaded the area of Chichen Itza, around the year 800 AD. Chihen Itza ruins the rest of civilization itself is the most impressive Mayan who can enjoy the beauty today. Mayan pyramid El Castillo, which is also located at Chichen Itza are often touted as the second building of the famous pyramids of Egypt after the Pyramids. However, different from the architecture of the Egyptian pyramids, Mayan pyramids is not a pyramid-shaped cone, because at peak there is a flat field that is used as a place of their rituals. All around, we can see the stairs four places, which each amounted to about 91 stairs, and there is one more rung on the top, so all amounted of 365 stairs. Building height reached 24 meters, whereas the peak area is used to put offerings as high as 6 meters.
Similar in Indonesia
That is quite surprising is the book An overview of the MAYAN world by Prof. Gualberto Zapata Alonzo, published in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, in 2002. Prof. Alonzo said, art and religious consciousness there are similarities with the Maya in Indochina and Indonesia. Temples of Tikal in Guatemala there are similarities with the pyramids Naksei Chan Crong in Angkor, Cambodia. The temple in Palenque, Mexico there are similarities with the Ajanta temples in India. Religious symbols and myths of animals similar to the Maya in Java and Southeast Asia. In the Mahabharata and the Ramayana there is a tribe with Maya.Pada call the Hindu religion, there is also a god named Maya. Not only there similarities between the two cultures and the Maya peoples of Asia. But in architecture there is also a close relationship, especially the concept of the pyramid.
Chichen Itza is one of The Most Beautiful Ruins In The World. Often the ruins are now left as they are to retain the beauty that exists and eventually become a beautiful tourist attraction. The ruins are there often is a testament to the splendor of the nation's history who built the original places that exist. From the ruins, often historical facts we can find from a variety of goods that you can still find there. In addition to Chichen Itza, there are still many beautiful ruins of the world, like Machu Picchu (Peru), Babylon (Iraq), Palenque (Mexico), Ayutthaya (Thailand), Colosseum (Italy), Tikal (Guatemala), Prambanan and Borobudur (Indonesia) , and others.