But upon entering the gates of Santa Maria, then feel that this place is not the usual place. This gate has a wall of medieval architectural style. In front lay the green grass field. On top of this lawn, stand three buildings of marble, Piazza Dei Miracoli. Namely Baptistery, Cathedral, and Leaning Tower, the third is a monumental building, built over three centuries. Piazza Dei Miracoli become a phenomenon in the history of Italian art. Fruit of the sensitivity and original flavor, which was then called the Roman style of Pisa.
Tower of Pisa is one of the seven wonders of the world which was built in 1178. Construction is tilt but still sturdy stand, despite being more than 8 centuries stood with unusual conditions make the tower with a bell on top of this special.

History of the Tower of Pisa itself is actually quite unique. The tower was built in four phases and take two centuries. The slope is the main attraction is actually a calculation error, because the foundation is too small and the tower was built on sandy soil. So when the construction reaches the 3rd floor partially collapsed tower and the tower became skewed. After having been suspended for 100 years, eventually building the Tower of Pisa was continued by adding 4 more floors built in the direction "toward the perpendicular" to compensate for the slope. So actually the Tower of Pisa is not only skewed, but also curved. At the top of the Tower of Pisa there is a bell tower, built by Tommaso, in the middle of the 14th century. Seven bells on the top of the tower, seven-note sounds appropriate scales.
To reach it, visitors must climb 294 steps, which surrounds the building. The hall stairs are not too wide, just enough to be passed by two people. Because of skewed, visitors feel the sensation, as if the body was tilted position. Piazza Dei Miracoli become a phenomenon in the history of Italian art. Fruit of the sensitivity and original flavor, which was then called the Roman style of Pisa.