Go to the first room, you will be greeted with many ornaments found in the cave ceiling. Starting from this room, the cave is divided into two lines of incoming and outgoing lines. Passing through a narrow slit, you are taken to the second room. The room is very large with hundreds of beautiful stalactites and stalagmites. The lights have been installed in several sections, providing an increasingly dim light beautify the cave. What a spectacular sight.
Gong cave has many stalactites and stalagmite shapes. Stalactite and stalagmite is much more beautiful than caves that exist in Vietnam. One form is that resemble the beautiful curtains with spots like a pearl in it. As we know, the stalactite and stalagmite, will continue to grow as long as the water droplets on it is still flowing. It takes decades to increase the length of 1 cm. Thus, a stalactite and stalagmite caves that have been formed, believed to be hundreds of years old so they can form a variety of sizes are beautiful now. Uniquely, the stalactite and stalagmite in the cave Gong is translucent light coming from a variety of colored lights and produce unique color shades. Inside the cave there are four Spring Gong or water source.
The cave is equipped with stairs and an iron grip so you do not have to bother looking for a place for my feet. Walking through the hallway with stalactites stalagmite cave cavity standing strong support as the other takes you to a different dimension. It's amazing to imagine how many thousands of years if needed to form this remarkable formation. A giant stalagmite to the limit with the third room on the end of the cave. Crystal ornaments adorn the shimmering white space called the space of this crystal.

Gong cave designation given because when you try to hit or knock one of stalactite and stalagmite, will sound like the sound of a gong that filled the space inside the cave. There was also a myth that says the name of this cave is associated with one of the Javanese gamelan device name is Gong. It is said that at certain moments, in which there is a mountain cave is often heard sounds like a Javanese gamelan and Reog performances. Therefore, people around the Cave called the Cave Gong.