Togean in Tojo Una-Una, Central Sulawesi, has been touted as a "haven" for Central Sulawesi, for its beauty and biodiversity. Starting from various types of fish, coral reef so attractive to others. So no wonder if the European tourists, this island has always come to enjoy the beauty of the ocean floor. Located in Tojo Una Una in the Gulf of Tomini, beauty Togean make remote areas is very fond visited by foreign tourists.
Togean Islands is a cluster of several islands in the Gulf of Tomini defined as Togean Islands Marine Park which is an important part of the world's coral triangle (Sulawesi, Filipinos and Papua New Guinea) and Central Sulawesi is a flagship destination. Fun activities that you can enjoy when visited this tourist destinations such as diving and snorkeling on the island Kadidiri, fishing, exploring nature on the island and visit the mountain Malenge Colo Una-una Island. For lodging you can stay at inns, inns in the village of Katupat, Malenge Island or at the inn Kadidiri Island, Island and Island Poya Lisa Squirrels.
Islands Togean itself is about 500 kilometers east of Palu. Togean Islands located in the Gulf of Tomini itself has been set by the government in 2004 as a National Park which covers 292,000 hectares and 70,000 hectares of marine ecosystem area of land, including 10,659 hectares of protected forests and conservation of mangroves. Besides having the largest coral reefs in Indonesia, Togean Marine Park is also famous for its amazing diving points numbering in the hundreds. The number of submarine and terrestrial habitats to make tourists, scientists, researchers and NGOs interested in visiting this island. One of the crowded dive spot is where the fall of the Dutch-owned aircraft, B-24 Liberator. The aircraft was located at a depth of 16-22 meters and can be reached one hour by speed boat from Kadidiri. The plane crashed on May 3, 1945 on the way home from Makasar, South Sulawesi after being attacked by Japanese soldiers.