Thursday, February 17, 2011

monumen Stonehenge Vs Giant boulders on the beach belitung

Stonehenge monument in England

Sightseeing Stonehenge monument in England have in common with the Pacific Islands Coast tourist attraction in Indonesia. They both have some mysterious giant stone. The history of the giant stone as yet known.

Stonehenge is a stone monument in the days of ancient human relics of the Bronze and Neolithikum located adjacent to Amesbury about 13 kilometers northwest of Salisbury Plain, Province of Wilshire, England.

Stonehenge was built around 4,000 to 5,000 years ago. This giant monument is believed to be built for the interests of astronomy and the ancient observatory. The researchers also are still conflicting opinions about how the old human can get, carry, and organize large rocks in a circle so that appropriate with the solstice. Stonehenge itself consists of thirty upright stones with a very large size (each stone is about 10 meters. While the weight of each stone weighing around 26 tons ). All of these upright stones arranged to form vertical lobe known as megalithikum.

There is debate about the actual age of the stone circle, but most archaeologists estimate that most of the building Stonehenge was built between 2500-2000 BC. Roundabout ground ponds and ditches forming the construction phase of a more Stonehenge monument, beginning around 3100 BC. Although the same age (henges) Neolithikum era that resembles Stonehenge.
Stonehenge may have linkages with other stone circle located in the British Isle as Ring of Brodgar but trilitonnya size as an example makes it unique. This place is included in the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1986.

As one of British landmarks and as a world heritage site, Stonehenge has been visited and respected for thousands of years. Stonehenge, which is designated as world heritage in 1986, attracting around 900,000 visitors each year, 70 percent were from overseas. 

Stone Giant on the Beach Belitung Indonesia

Beauty Belitung beach not only enjoyed the scenery and views of beach boulders, in addition to the scene under the water in the sea around the beaches of the Pacific Islands are also quite interesting to be enjoyed. The easiest way to enjoy them is to swim in the crystal clear sea Belitung.

The best place in the Pacific Islands are in Batu Malang Turtle. This place is a large granite rock far enough away from the beach right in front of beach Cape High. Another uniqueness of Batu Malang Turtle is that there is a cave above the water surface where the underwater scenes are also very beautiful cave. Cape High is a beach that is flanked by two peninsula. This white sandy beach, and unique because there are hundreds of huge granite boulders scattered in the peninsula and also in the sea in front of the beach. The size of granite ranging from a few cubic meters to hundreds of cubic meters bigger than a building of houses.

You can ride, run and jump between the granite to enjoy exclusive views from every angle you stand. Form of large boulders that are also unique, in part forming the cave, which can be used shelter during rain. The stones piled together to form objects of interest. Belitung is a special island with beautiful granite rocky beaches artistic, clear sea water, and sandy beach which is really white, not found elsewhere.

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