Golden Gate Bridge is one of the most beautiful bridge in the world and also a place which is visited from all over the world. Golden Gate Bridge is located in the city of San Francisco, California, United States. This bridge across the strait which separates the bay of San Francisco with pacific ocean. This bridge connects the city of San Francisco with Marin County. Golden Gate Bridge is a bridge hanging, with the length of the bridge is 2727 meters, and the distance between the tower is 1280 feet. Tower height is 230 feet above the water surface.
Golden Gate Bridge is very popular in America. Even the Golden Gate Bridge once the filming locations used for X-MEN: THE LAST STAND, the film in describing the action Magneto moving the Golden Gate Bridge to Alcatraz Island. Then the magneto drive his men stormed the Worthington Labs in Alcatraz, to destroy the liquid healer, and kill the Leech.
Beyond its status as a symbol of the city of San Francisco, when this bridge was built to obtain a fairly respectable reputation, namely the lack of number of work accidents. During the construction progresses, the number of workers who died from occupational accidents is about 11 people. This is a special figure in his time, because the construction of Hoover Dam for example, more than 100 workers were killed. Low levels of mortality in the process of building the Golden Gate Bridge is due to the installation of nets savior. No fewer than 19 workers could be saved by this net.
When the process of construction the Golden Gate Bridge to be role models for safety, not so at the time the bridge was completed. In addition to functioning as a bridge, this place turned out to also have a record as a favorite place for suicides. Higher incidence of suicide is what makes the government authorities of San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge plans to build a separation fence, so that the dividing rails as high as 1.2 meters which is currently located on the east side of the bridge, will be lifted so that the more difficult for people who want to commit suicide.
Golden Gate Bridge is the result of a massive project that was launched by Franklin Delano Roosevelt to tackle unemployment and stimulate the American economy after the Great Depression. Golden Gate bridge project will cost USD 27 million dollars in that year and lasted for 4 years. Two other projects are no less famous than the Golden Gate Bridge and was built in the period of the Great Depression is the Empire State Building in New York (which was the tallest building in the world for decades), and the Hoover dam on the Arizona-Nevada border. Golden Gate Bridge is the work of Joseph Strauss. Strauss is the technicians who are responsible for more than 400 images of the bridge. The Golden Gate Bridge was built in 1937 and had become the longest bridge in the world for 37 years. This bridge was opened to the public on May 26, 1937.