Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Amazing Ancient Civilizations

One more evidence about the amazing history of civilization, Machu Picchu. Buried for hundreds of years by plants and trees around it. In the beginning was one place left by the conquerors of Spain, in an expedition to search for more gold. However, a hundred years later the Spanish abandoned the city, having successfully conquered the Inca Empire. This world heritage was forgotten people of the world. Later, the site was only discovered in 1911 by archaeologist Hiram Bingham of Yale University III. Since the discovery of Machu Picchu became a tourist attraction that appeals to local and foreign tourists. A discovery that brings us all like a return to past lives, and in detail shows how advances in knowledge of building construction techniques of past civilizations. Machu Picchu is also one of the most historic buildings in the world that even by one of the U.S. media, said this building is the most important buildings, and the best preserved in the world.

Machu Picchu was built by the ancient Inca style with polished stone walls. The main building is Intihuatana, the Temple of the Sun, and Three Window Room. These places are referred to as the Sacred District of Machu Picchu. One of the main functions of Machu Picchu is an astronomical observatory. Intihuatana stone (meaning 'Postal Sun') proved to be an indicator of the exact period of the sky. The Intihuatana (Saywa or stone Sukhanka) is designed to block the sun. In this period, the Incas held ceremonies at the stone in which they "tied the sun" to halt the movement of the northern sky. Machu Picchu consisted of about 200 buildings have polygonal walls with the characteristics of the Inca period. This building has a weight of about 50 tons, was built with great precision so that even a thin knife could not penetrate the walls. One unique thing about Machu Picchu is a landscape architecture. Formation of stone used in construction of structures, sculptures, reservoirs, and temples hang on steep cliffs. Forms the roof of the houses made of straw and doors and windows are trapezoidal in shape is also unusual.

Machu Picchu ("Old Mountain" in Quechua language, often called "the lost Inca City") is a location of Inca ruins, before the days of Columbus, located in the mountainous region. Machu Picchu is a city above the clouds, the clouds above the city designation because the city is always covered by clouds. And of course there is the beauty of the scenery is extraordinary. Machu Picchu is a city of the lost Inca civilization. Located in the Valley Urumba, Peru, on top of the mountain, 2430 meters above sea level. This place was built in the heyday of their civilization, circa 1460. Machu Picchu became one of the highest places in the eastern Andes mountains. Machu Picchu was divided into three areas: agriculture, urban, and religious structures that are arranged so that the function of the building in accordance with the shape the environment. Pedestrians, tourists, and explorers can down the road by using the Inca Trail. Views of temples, fields, terraces, and bathrooms as take you to another world. The combination of hills and artifacts are visible as a green paradise is smooth and elegant.

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