As one of UNESCO World heritage, Borobudur was built by using approximately 55,000 cubic meters of rock. This building height is 42 meters until the summit, with a base width of 123 meters. Upright and sturdy towering into the sky and is a part of history that has lived 12 centuries. The Largest Buddhist Temple in Indonesia has 1460 relief panels and 504 Buddha effigies in its complex. Millions of people longing to visit the buildings included in this World Wonder Heritages. Not surprisingly, since architecturally and functionally, as a place of worship, Borobudur is attractive.
Borobudur temple architecture is very interesting, consisting of three main parts namely the legs, body and head of the temple. On the walls of the Borobudur reliefs sculpted. Relief is a series of stories that depicted in a single frame (panel) for one scene. There are thousands of frames in this temple is coupled with hundreds of Buddhist sculptures found in the stupas and niches that exist on the temple walls.
The base of Borobudur, called Kamadhatu, symbolizing human beings that are still bound by lust. Four levels above it called Rupadhatu symbolizing human beings that have set themselves free from lust but still tied to appearance and shape. At that level, put the Buddha statue is open. Meanwhile, three levels above where the Buddhist stupas are laid in holes called Arupadhatu, symbolizing human beings that have been free from lust, appearance, and shape. The top part is called Arupa symbolizes nirvana, where Buddha is residing.
One thing that is unique, it turns out that this temple has an architecture with appealing format or structured mathematics. each chart legs, body and head of the temple always has a ratio of 4:6:9. His Stupa placements also has significance, plus a part-expected relief associated with astronomy makes Borobudur is an interesting historical evidence for the observed.
Each terrace has beautiful relief panels showing how skillful. Relief that will be read coherently when you walk in a clockwise direction (towards the left of the entrance of the temple). In the reliefs of Borobudur tells of a legendary story, namely the Ramayana. In addition, there are relief panels describing the condition of society at that time. For example, relief of farmers' activity reflecting the advance of agriculture system and relief of sailing boat representing the advance of the voyage who was based in Bergotta (Semarang).
All relief panels in Borobudur temple reflect the Buddha's teachings. Therefore, this temple can be used as educational media for people who want to learn Buddhism. Exactly when this temple was founded is not known with certainty. The absence of written evidence led to Borobudur is full of darkness. Age determination carried out with due regard to the basic style of building temples and sculpture-carvings showing the central Javanese style 8th century BC.
One of the questions still unanswered about Borobudur is how the condition around the temple was built and why the temple was found in the buried state. Some say Borobudur originally stood surrounded by swamp and then buried by the eruption of Merapi. Calcutta is essentially the inscription reads 'Amawa' means sea of milk. The word is then interpreted as the lava of Merapi. Some others say buried by cold lava of Merapi Borobudur.
Borobudur Temple in Magelang regency, Central Java province, or about 40 kilometers from the province of Jogjakarta, Indonesia.