Kasunanan and Mangkunegaran
A journey tracing the time, from a long history of Javanese life and culture centered on Kasunan Surakarta Palace. Kasunanan Surakarta Palace Museum is not just the album of memories and memorabilia of the kings, but it contains a whole string of changes describing each step until the civilization of the Kingdom of Mataram in Surakarta. Look deeper into, then footsteps will be invited to tread the history of the Palace of Surakarta Kasunanan from the early era of empire and colonial period. Mangkunegaran palace is where the arts and culture. Land belongs to the kingdom were filled with priceless treasures and a wonderful collection, mostly derived from Majapahit (1293 - 1478) and Mataram (1586 - 1755) period of the empire.
Kampung (village) Batik Kauman and Laweyan
The village has about 20-30 home industry is a subscription from the buyer that has existed for generations and tourists (Japan, Europe, Southeast Asia and the United States). Uniqueness is offered to the tourists is the ease of transactions, looking at the home venue for the activities of batik production. Kampung Batik Laweyan, this village is not privileged simply because it is an old village that exotic, but also because it saves the industry a long trail of batik in Solo Ever since the 15th century.
Museum of Ancient Danar Hadi Batik
UNESCO has set batik as one of the original cultural heritage of Indonesia. Museum Batik batik Danarhadi is the best and most comprehensive museum in the world, has more than ten thousand pieces of batik cloth, one of which is Snow White Batik. Batik has become a part of Indonesian culture since hundreds of years ago. This staining technique using wax batik fabric (night) to prevent the introduction of color in certain parts. On October 2, 2009, UNESCO set batik Indonesia as one of World Cultural Heritage.
Temple Cetho and Sukuh
In the Java language, Cetho (Ceto) means obvious or clear. Cetho Temple located at an altitude of 1400 meters on the slopes of Mount Lawu. Unlike the other temples, Hindu temples are impressed and very thick mysterious spiritual aura. Sukuh, this temple which form a trapezoid is not unusual as most other temples in Indonesia. At first glance the building looks like Maya in Mexico or the Incas in Peru. The temple is also considered controversial because of the objects that symbolize the phallus and yoni sexuality. The cool mountain air and beautiful natural scenery will be a loyal friend and explore the Temple Cetho Sukuh.
Sangiran (Ancient Fossil Museum)
Sangiran area save tens of thousands of fossils from pleistocen jobs (more than 2 million years ago). These ancient fossils are 65% of fossil hominids in Indonesia and 50% worldwide. To date have found more than 13,685 fossils fossils in the Museum 2931, the rest is stored in the warehouse. As the World Heritage List (World Heritage). Sangiran privilege, according to research by experts on the ancient Earth had an ocean expanse. As a result of geological processes and consequences of natural disasters the eruption of Mount Lawu, Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu, Sangiran becomes Mainland.

Tawangmangu, a mountainous area tourist attractions in the nearby city of Solo on the slopes of Mount Lawu. As tourist attractions in Yogyakarta Kaliurang, Tawangmangu have a cold air, are at high altitudes so it is often foggy, about 1 hour drive from Solo to Tawangmangu, or about 50 kilometers towards the east. Along the way will be found beautiful natural scenery, fields, and the abyss. Tawangmangu have a favorite tourist spot that is Grojogan Sewu waterfall with a height of about 81 meters.
Prambanan is the masterpiece of Hindu culture from the 10th century. The building was the slender, towering 47 meters create unparalleled architectural beauty. Prambanan temple has three main temples in the primary yard, namely Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva. These three temples are symbols of Trimurti in Hindu belief. Prambanan also has panels of relief describing the story of Ramayana. Prambanan temple is situated on the border of Yogjakarta and Surakarta (Solo). Precisely between the districts of Sleman, Yogjakarta and klaten, Surakarta.