Monday, December 19, 2011

The Temple Controversial

Sukuh temple, unlike most other temples in Indonesia. Sukuh temple having trapezoidal shapes. At first glance the building looks like Maya in Mexico or the Incas in Peru. The building is also referred to as The Temple Controversial, because of the objects that symbolize the phallus and yoni sexuality. Sukuh temple complex is not as extensive, occupying a plot of land terraces, the main gate Sukuh not positioned in the middle but on the right front. Right and left sides are decorated with some relief. Just above the main temple in the middle there is a square that looked like a place to put offerings. Here there are traces of incense, incense and incense is burned, so it looks one often used for worship.

What is surprising is the existence of some reliefs and statues of naked people, wearing no clothes at all. Something that is quite astonishing when considering the very thick eastern culture with norms of decency in Indonesia. Compounded when considering that this is a temple, an identical building as a place of worship and the worship of deities. Looking into the alley gate, offering flowers and incense on the floor, a relief in the form of phallus and yoni circle chain. Closer to the main temple on the third terrace, stands a waist-high stone platform adults left. There is a stone tower at the front of the stage, again decorated with reliefs of figures erotic naked.

Sukuh built in three trap arrangement (terrace), where the higher the more backward.
On the first terrace there is a main gate. Basic floor of this gate there are reliefs depicting the phallus dealing with the vagina. At first glance it seems obscene, but it is not the intention of the maker. Because it is impossible in a holy place which is a place of worship are symbols of porn. This relief contains a profound meaning. This relief is similar-yoni phallus symbolizing the Hindu god Shiva with his wife (Parvati). Phallus-Yoni is the symbol of fertility.

On the second terrace there is also a gate but his condition has now been broken. On the right and left arch is usually a statue or Dwarapala doorman, was found too, but in a damaged condition and has no clear shape again. The gate was not roofed and the terrace was not encountered many of the sculptures. But at this gate there is a candrasangkala also in the Java language that reads gajah wiku anahut buntut.

In this third terrace there is a large courtyard with the main temple and some relief on the left as well as the statues on the right. If the visitors want to come to this holy temple, the rock terraces are relatively higher than the previous stone staircase to go. Besides the narrow aisle as well. It is said that architecture is intentionally made that way. For the main temple are similar to the shape of the vagina, according to some experts it is created to test the virginity of girls.

One more interesting than Sukuh is a different architecture. If the other temples built in the shape that symbolizes Mount Meru, the Sukuh has a very simple with a trapezoidal shape. Built in the XV century, just before the collapse of the Majapahit Kingdom, this temple is more like a pyramid of the Mayan tribes from Central America. Can two different ethnic groups from two different continents can make buildings with architecture and design are almost similar? Or indeed any influence in the development of the Mayan Temple in the reign of King Sukuh UB's this?

Overall, the visit Sukuh provide new insights about the shape of the temple reliefs and drawings are not as common as other temples on the island of Java, such as Dieng temple, Prambanan or Borobudur. Surely this is evidence that shows a rich culture of Indonesia. Location Sukuh temple is situated on the slopes at the foot of Mount Lawu Berjo hamlet, village Sukuh, sub Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar District, former residency of Surakarta, Central Java. This temple is approximately 20 kilometers from the town of Karanganyar and 36 kilometers from Solo, Central Java, Indonesia.

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